The department of Community Medicine was started on 1st April,1981. Dr. M K Sudarshan, MD (BHU) was the first Lecturer and Incharge Head of Department till December,1982.
Dr.A N Arumugam ,MD joined as Professor and Head of the Department in December 1982 and developed the department till his retirement on 31st December,1988.
1985: Hosting of the 1st annual conference of Karnataka Association of Community Health( KACH ), 6 th June, 1985 at KIMS, Bangalore.
The first annual conference of KACH was inaugurated by Mr.H.D.Devegowda,the then PWD minister and the souvenir was released by Dr.H.L.Thimmegowda, the then Health Minister of the Government of Karnataka. About 100 delegates from all over Karnataka participated and the KACH was formally launched.
Mr.H D Devegowda ,Dr H L Thimmegowda , Dr.J L Javaregowda,
Mr T R Shamanna and other dignitaries at the I st Inaugural
Conference of KACH held at KIMS, Bangalore.
1985: UIP Modular Training, 2 - 5 November ,1985
The UIP Modular training was organized from 2 - 5 November,1985 at KIMS ,Bangalore by the Department of Community Medicine collaboration with Bangalore City Corporation health officials. Around 100 delegates attended the training programme. Corporation Medical Officers, PHC doctors, private practioneers, paediatricians, Medical College staff ,doctors from around Bangalore had participated in the programme.
Participants at the UIP Modular Training, KIMS, Bangalore
1987: First Refreshers Course on Epidemiology and Control of Communicable Diseases, 11-16 May , 1987.
About 50 delegates including doctors and public health personnel attended the 1 st Refreshers Course on Epidemiology and Control of Communicable Disease, from May 11-16, 1987 organized by the Department of Community Medicine, KIMS, Bangalore. The topics covered in this course were on Rabies, Immunization, STD, Tetanus, JE, Poliomyelitis, Diarrheal diseases, TB, Leprosy, Malaria, and Filariasis. The training programme was conducted in 12 different Institutions. The course was inaugurated by Dr.J L Javaregowda, Director of Health Education, Training, and Laboratories, Government of Karnataka.
Dr A N Arumugam speaking at the inaugural function.
1988: Third Annual Conference of KACH ,10th December, 1988
The third Annual Conference of KACH was organized jointly by the Department of Community Medicine, KIMS Bangalore and Bangalore City Corporation on 10th December 1988. The conference was inaugurated by Dr Shyama Reddy, Principal, KIMS. The theme of the conference was "Promoting Quality in Universalization of Immunization ". About 100 delegates attended the conference.
From 1st January ,1989 Dr M K Sudarshan, MD (BHU) took over as Professor and Head of the Department and developed the department.
1989: Symposium on Rabies, 26th June,1989
A one day symposium on rabies was organized for Bangalore city corporation doctors, Staff of medical colleges , Staff of Directorate of Health Services and others. It was attended by about 75 persons.
Dr M K Sudarshan addressing the gathering
1990:Epidemiological Survey of Water-borne Diseases in the Karnataka Region of Kaveri Basin
The staff of the Department of Community Medicine KIMS, Bangalore were involved in the coverage evaluation survey of water borne diseases along the Kaveri basin districts of Karnataka State. A total of five districts were covered. This was an Integrated Environmental Programme of Research on the river Kaveri, Sponsored and Financed by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India.
Coverage Evaluation Survey of Routine Immunization in selected
districts of Karnataka by the staff and interns of the department.
1993: PACE
A group of 25 Medical students of KIMS, Bangalore had actively participated for the cause of AIDS prevention through education. They had raised monetary contributions, prepared education aids and was aggressively involved in AIDS education in schools and colleges etc of Bangalore under the guidance of Dr.M Sundar.
1993: Starting of the Post Graduate course in Community Medicine
Dr B J Mahendra joined the course as the first post graduate student.
1994: Exhibition on AIDS, 15 - 20 March ,1993
The exhibition was organized by KIMS & B a n g a l o r e Me d i c a l Service Trust to create awareness about AIDS among the students and faculty of Vokaligara Sangha Institutions.
Mr Srinath , Film actor at the exhibition on AIDS
1994: NIHFW – Post Graduate certificate course in Health & Family Welfare Management through Distance Learning, November 1994
The first batch of students for the certificate course in Health & Family Welfare Management through distance learning for MBBS graduates was inaugurated in November,1994. About 20 graduates had enrolled in the course.
Dr A N Arumugam former Professor & HOD of Community
Medicine addressing the first batch of students.
1995: Publication of Indian Journal of Community Health
The responsibility of publishing the Indian Journal of Community
Health was given to the Department of Community Medicine,
KIMS, Bangalore and Dr.M.K.Sudarshan was nominated as
Managing Editor and Correspondent. An all India level editorial
committee was constituted and the first issue was published in 1995.
Two issues were brought out in a year.
1995: Pulse Polio Immunization Programme
The staff and students of KIMS have been actively involved in the pulse polio Immunization programme since its inception in 1995 as volunteers, supervisors, monitors, service providers etc till date.
1996: 2nd National Seminar on Rabies
On the occasion of 101st centenary year of Louis Pasteur, the 2nd National Seminar on Rabies was organized by the Department of Community Medicne , KIMS. Dr. N F Mostefai for Pasteur Merieux Connaught, New Delhi who was the chief guest spoke about the Louis Pasteur centenary year activities. About 75 delegates attended the seminar which was held at KIMS, Bangalore.
Dr. N F Mostefai along with other dignitaries at the inaugural
function of 2nd National Seminar on Rabies
1996: Introduction of pager services for the professional guidance to Rabies Prophylaxis.
To commemorate the year of vaccines-1996 and on the occasion of 101 years of Louis Pasteur, on 28th September 1996, a novel and unique pager services was launched in Bangalore city, for guiding Medical and Veterinary professionals for proper rabies prophylaxis. The pager number was 9624-243410 sponsored by Pasteur Merieux Connaught, New Delhi.
1997- Workshop on Diabetes Mellitus for Interns
The first two day workshop on Diabetes Mellitus was organized by the Department of Community Medicine , KIMS along with the support of the Medicne Department of KIMS, Bangalore and others. The Resource person in the field of Diabetes Mellitus spoke during the workshop. About 100 Interns attended the workshop. This workshop has continued every year till date.
1997: Eleventh Annual Conference of KACH, 9-10 May , 1997
The conference was organized by the Department of Community Medicine, KIMS, Bangalore on the theme “Emerging Communicable Diseases: Concerns and Approaches to Control”. Around two hundred delegates participated in the conference. The CME was inaugurated by Dr.S.Kantha, Vice-Chancellor of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences ,Bangalore. Dr.S.Shadaksharappa Chairman, NAMS-Karnataka Medical Education and Research Trust, Bangalore released the Souvenir. A public awareness Programme on the theme was organized in Kannada on the evening of 9th May 1997 which was inaugurated by the worshipful Mayor of Bangalore City Corporation Smt. Padmavathi Gangadhara Gowda. The conference on 10th May 1997 was inaugurated by Dr. (Capt.)V.G.Shetty, Director of Health and Family Welfare Services, Government of Karnataka.
Dr. S Kantha, the First Vice Chancellor of Rajiv Gandhi University of
Health Sciences, Bangalore at the Inaugural function of the 11th
annual conference of KACH
1998: IGNOU - Post Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child Health (PGDMCH)
Indira Gandhi National Open University PGDMCH course for MBBS Graduates was Started in1998. About 25 students had enrolled for the course in the first batch.
1999 : Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) Survey,Jan-March,99
The Staff and Postgraduates of the department were involved in the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Survey regarding breast feeding practices in Bangalore city under the aegis of BPNI & UNICEF, New Delhi.
1999 : Evaluation of National Programme for Control of Blindness
The Staff and Post Graduates were involved in the Evaluation of the National Programme for Control of Blindness ( World Bank assisted Cataract Blindness Control Project ) for Assessment of visual outcome using cataract surgical records along with the Staff of the Regional Institute of Ophthalmology, Bangalore, in few selected districts of Andhra Pradesh, June,1999, an activity of the World Bank/WHO/GOI, New Delhi.
2000: Early Diagnosis and Prevention System Project (EDPS)
The EDPS Project was conducted from 2000 onwards for a period of four years. The Staff and Interns of the department in collaboration with the George Foundation, Bangalore were involved in this project. The focus of the project was .Functionality study of the EDPS2000 software at KIMSH&RC, Bangalore and 2. Transforming Technologies in Health care :Evaluation of EDPS in India at Primary Health Unit, Kengeri in collaboration with Bloomberg School of Public Health, John Hopkins University, USA.
2000: 2nd National conference of Association for Prevention and Control of Rabies in India(APCRI), 8-9 th July ,2000.
The 2nd National conference of APCRI jointly organized by the Department of Community Medicine ,KIMS, Bangalore and APCRI was held from 8- 9 July ,2000 at the IISc Campus , Bangalore. The conference was inaugurated by Dr. F.-X Meslin, Chief Zoonotic division ,WHO-Geneva ,Mr Basvegowda, Chairman, KIMS Governing council and Mr.A Krishnappa, Agriculture minister and other dignitaries were present at the inaugural function. About 200 delegates from different states of India participated.
Delegates attending a session at the conference
2000:Workshop on problem solving for better health (PSBH), 29-30 July,2000
A two day workshop on problem solving for better health was jointly organized by the Department of Community Medicine, KIMS, Bangalore and Health Action, Trivandrum. Around eighty 6th term students had participated. At the end of the workshop the students had taken up different projects for completion.
PSBH Faculty, KIMS—Chairman, Principal ,Staff ,PGs, and 6th Term
Students at the PSBH Workshop, KIMS College, Bangalore.
2001: Workshop on Rabies, 31 st March ,2001
A one day workshop on rabies was held on 31st March , 2003 at NIMHANS, Bangalore. The workshop was jointly organized by the Department of Community Medicine, KIMS, Bangalore, Department of Neurovirology NIMHANS, Bangalore and APCRI. About 75 delegates participated in the programme.
2002: Leprosy Elimination Monitoring
The Staff and Post graduates of the department were involved as NIHFW monitors for Leprosy Elimination Monitoring, which was sponsored by WHO/GOI/NIHFW, New Delhi from 19th May to 12th June 2002 in few selected districts of Karnataka . A similar exercise was also done in June, 2003.
2003: National Multi-Centric Rabies Survey, 24th February ,2003
A one day briefing of Principal Investigators was held on 24th February, 2003 at the auditorium ,6th floor, KIMSH&RC , Bangalore for the proposed WHO-APCRI National Multi-Centric Rabies Survey. This programme was jointly organized by the Department of Community Medicine , KIMS, Bangalore and APCRI. About 18 Principal Investigators from the different states of India had participated.
Principal Investigators along with the other dignitaries
2003: Seminar on Intradermal Rabies Vaccine, 25 th February ,2003
A one day seminar on Intradermal rabies vaccine (IDRV) was held on 25th February, 2003 at the auditorium , KIMSH&RC (New building), Bangalore. The seminar was jointly organized by Department of Community Medicine, KIMS, Bangalore and APCRI. Experts in the field of rabies urged the need for introduction of IDRV in India in a phased manner. About 50 delegates participated in the programme.
Dr. L Krishna, Principal, KIMS along with the other
at the inaugural function of the seminar on IDRV
2003: SARS- Screening passengers at Bangalore International Airport
The Staff, Post Graduates and Interns of the department were involved as Medical Officers in screening the international passengers at Bangalore International Airport in the state crisis management committee on SARS ( for the prevention and control of SARS ), Government of Karnataka from 09-04-2003 to 28-06- 03.About 2,00000 lakh passengers were screened during this period.
2003:CME on leprosy,22nd September, 2003
A one day CME on leprosy was held on 22nd September, 2003 at seminar hall ,3rd floor, Departmnet of Community Medicine, KIMS, Bangalore. The CME was jointly organized by department of community medicine ,KIMS, Bangalore and Damian foundation, Chennai. About 150 delegates including undergraduate students, post graduate students, Interns, and Staff of the college participated. Experts in the field on leprosy coordinated the programme. Post graduate students from the department of Microbiology, Pathology, Medicine, Surgery, Orthopedics and Community Medicine of KIMS, Bangalore spoke regarding the diagnosis, clinical manifestation, control , treatment and eradication of leprosy.
Section of the Audience at the CME on Leprosy
2004:CME on Allergy,Asthma & Immunology,8—9 May, 2004
Two day CME on Allergy, Asthma & Applied Immunology was organized by the Department of Community Medicine, Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore in collaboration with Indian Academy of Allergy at KIMS Hospital & Research Centre, Bangalore on 8th & 9th May 2004 . About 100 delegates from all over the country had participated. The CME was inaugurated by Dr. K Kanaka Rao ,President ,IAA. The CME Focused on clinical approaches to urticaria and its management , aerobilogy and its significance in allergy, management of difficult asthma ,Immunotherapy for allergic disorders,etc.
2004: Assessing Burden of Rabies in India, WHO sponsored National Multi-Centric Rabies Survey-2003.
Dr M K Sudarshan ,Past President (APCRI) Professor of Community
Medicine, KIMS, Bangalore was the chief Investigator of the WHO
sponsored National Multi-Centric Rabies Survey-2003. The project
office was the department of Community Medicine, KIMS, Bangalore.
The main aim of the survey was to asses the burden of Rabies in
India. The Survey was a collaborative effort of APCRI, National Institutions, Medical Colleges, Veterinary Colleges, NGOs ,Others,
etc. The full report of the survey can be accessed at the following
link survey report.
Dr N R Ramesh Masthi ,Principal Investigator, Bangalore and his team
during a household visit
2005:International Symposium on Prevention & Control of Rabies, 18 - 19 March, 2005
A two day International Symposium on Prevention & Control of Rabies was held on 18th & 19th March, 2005 at NIMHANS Conventional Hall, Bangalore. The theme of the symposium was global rabies scenario: spotlight on the Indian subcontinent. The symposium was jointly organized by Department of Community Medicine, KIMS, Bangalore and Department of Neurovirology , NIMHANS, Bangalore. The symposium was inaugurated by Dr Nagaraj , Director ,NIMHANS, Bangalore. About 150 delegates from India and abroad had participated in the symposium. Dr M K Sudarshan, Dr D H Ashwathnarayana, Dr N R Ramesh Masthi from the department had spoken in the symposium.
Department staff with the delegates of the International Symposium
Following the promotion of Dr. M K Sudarshan as Principal, Dr. B G Parasuramalu took over as Head of the Department from 18th July, 2005.
2005: Visit of Dr F.-X. Meslin, Chief Zoonotic Division, WHO, Geneva to Anti Rabies Clinic, KIMSH&RC, Bangalore
Dr F .-X Meslin ,Dr M K Sudarshan & Dr B J Mahendra ,MO-I/C
at the Anti Rabies Clinic, KIMSH&RC, Bangalore
2006:One day IPHA Seminar, 26 September ,2006
One day IPHA seminar was organized on the occasion of the IPHA foundation day celebration jointly by Department of Community Medicine ,KIMS, Bangalore and IPHA ,Bangalore branch. at KIMS, Bangalore on 26th September 2006.The seminar was inaugurated by the Chief Health Officer, Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BMP). Around 100 delegates from the Medical Colleges of Karnataka, Medical officers from BBMP and IPHA members participated in the seminar. Dr S K Roy spoke on new born care, Speakers in the field of Rabies and Allergy also spoke.
Mr R Manjunath,Chairman,KIMSGoverning Council &
Dignitaries at the inaugural function
2007: Rabies in Asia conference(RIACON 07),3-4 th March,2007
The first RIACON 07 was held from 3 -4th March , 2007 at NIMHANS Conventional hall ,Bangalore. The conference was jointly organized by the Department of Community Medicine, KIMS, Bangalore, Department of Neurovirology, NIMHANS, Bangalore and Rabies in Asia Foundation. About 100 experts in the field of rabies , Medical corporate representatives , BBMP medical officers, Medical college staff etc from India, Asia, WHO and CDC Atlanta had participated.
2007:Performance Audit of Animal Birth Control (ABC) programme in Bangalore city, May 2007.
In January 2007 following the mauling to death of a child by a pack of street dogs, the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike ( BBMP) entrusted the audit of the ABC programme (for street dogs) to the Department of Community Medicine, KIMS,Bangalore. Dr M K Sudarshan ,Principal and Professor of Community Medicine KIMS, Bangalore headed the team.
Dr S Yathiraj ,Professor of Veterinary Medicine and Dr D H Aswath Narayana, Associate
Professor of Community Medicine, KIMS along with staff of Veterinary hospital at
the cantonment OT ,Bangalore
The audit team comprising a total of five members had submitted the performance audit report of ABC programme to the BBMP officials for follow up action. The full audit report can be accessed by visiting the following link /files/ABC-report.pdf
2007:KACH Conference, 5 - 6 October , 2007
19th Annual Conference of Karnataka Association of Community Health (KACH) was organized by the Department of Community Medicine, KIMS, Banashankari 2nd Stage, Bangalore on 5th and 6th October 2007.About two hundred delegates participated in the conference. They included community health professionals, faculty from Departments of Community Medicine, staff from City Municipal Corporation and Directorate of Health Services, and others. The Continuing Medical Education (CME) programme of the conference was inaugurated by Dr. S. Vasanth Kumar, Registrar, RGUHS, Karnataka and Shri R Manjunath, Chairman, Governing Council, KIMS, Bangalore. The main theme of the conference was Community Health – Country’s Wealth. Invited speakers, Staff, Postgraduates, Interns and Undergraduate students spoke and presented papers. In the evening, the 19th annual conference of KACH was inaugurated by Sri. Basavaraj, IAS, Commissioner Health, Department of Health & Family Welfare Services, Government of Karnataka.
Section of the audience attending a session at the conference
2008:National workshop on Rabies Immunoglobulin (RIG) Administration
One day national workshop on RIG administration organized by the Section of the audience attending a session at the conference Association for Prevention and Control of Rabies in India(APCRI) was held on 3rd March, 2008 at the Department of Community Medicine, KIMS, Bangalore. About 50 delegates from all over the country participated including the representatives from NICD, New Delhi, NIMHANS, Bangalore & experts in the field of rabies. A Manual on RIG administration was brought out on the occasion.
Dr R L Ichpujani, Director –NICD , New Delhi & Others -
At the inaugural function of the National workshop of RIG administration
2008:Indira Gandhi Open University(IGNOU)-School of Health Sciences training of PGDMCH Counsellors.
A four day Training of Trainers (TOT) for PGDMCH counselors was organized jointly by the Department of Community Medicine, KIMS, Bangalore and IGNOU, New Delhi on Adolescents Friendly Reproductive and Sexual Health Services was held from 31st March 08 to 3rd April 08 at the auditorium, 6th floor, KIMSHR&C (New Building) , Bangalore. About 30 Counsellors from the Departments of OBG, Paediatrics and Community Medicine from various states of India participated. Resource persons from the field of Adolescent Health co-ordinated the TOT programme.
PGDMCH Counsellors at the TOT-Adolescent Health
2008: Post Graduate Refresher Course - Saturday, 6 th September
A one day Post Graduate Refresher course for post graduate students of Community Medicine, Karnataka state organized by the Karnataka Association of Community Health (KACH) was held on Saturday, 6th September 2008 at the Medical Education Unit, Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Banashankari 2 nd Stage ,Bangalore-70 .About 38 Post Graduate students and staff from the different medical colleges of Karnataka had attended the course.
Post Graduate Refresher Course-2008– Inaugural Function ,Medical Education Cell, KIMS, Bangalore-70
2008 : Guest Lecture on Paediatric Asthma- Wednesday,10th September
An Guest Lecture on paediatric asthma by Dr. Ischa Kummeling, Imperial College, London organised by the Department of Community Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences,Bangalore-4 was held on Wednesday, 10th September 2008 at Lecture Hall-I,6th Floor, KIMS Hospital and Research Centre, Bangalore . About 175 delegates including UG students, PG students, Staff of Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore along with Indian Academy of Allergy Members participated.
Dr Ischia Kummling along with the department staff and Indian Academy of Allergy Member.
2008: State level Quiz on Rabies, Saturday,13th September
The Rabies in Asia, India Chapter and the Department of Community Medicine, Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Bangalore organised a state level Quiz on Rabies for Medical and Veterinary under graduate students and Interns of Karnataka State .The Rabies quiz was held on Saturday,13 th September 2008 at KIMS,Bangalore-70 .About 15 Medical colleges and 1 veterinary college participated in the quiz programme. The programme was Inaugurated by Dr S N Madhusudana, Chairman, Rabies in Asia( RIA) , India Chapter. Dr M K Sudarshan, President -RIA, Dr Abdul Rahman Vice President -RIA, Trust members of RIA were the other dignitaries present on the dais. Miss Chethana K and Miss Ghazal Dutta from Mysore Medical College, Mysore were the winners and received the cash prize of Rs.10,000=00. Miss Sangeetha R P and Miss Shruthi Shekar from Dr B R Ambedkar Medical College, Bangalore were the Runners and received the cash prize of Rs.5,000=00 .
2008- World Rabies Day –Walk for Rabies : Sunday ,28th September ,2008
A Walk for Rabies for creating awareness on rabies was organized on Sunday ,28th September ,2008 on the occasion of the World Rabies Day .About 150 medical students and staff of KIMS along with members representing NIMHANS, Rabies in Asia, India Chapter, Association for Prevention and Control of Rabies in India ,Commonwealth Veterinary Association, Students and Staff of Government Veterinary College, Bangalore ,Veterinarians, Corporate Bodies etc participated in the Walk. The walk was organised on the main road outside Vidhan Soudha, ( The state legislative House) Bangalore .
2009- 53rd National Conference Of Indian Public Health Association,8th -11th January,2009
Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Bangalore, hosted the 53rd National conference of Indian Public Health Association (IPHA) from 9th -11th January 2009 with a pre-conference session on Continuing Medical Education (CME) programme for the benefit of post graduate students and junior professional on 8th January, 2009. The theme of the conference was “Changing Scenario of Public Health in the 21st century” with various sub themes.
About 560 delegates, from Ministry of Health, Government of India, Directorates of State Health Services, Department of Railways, City Municipal Corporations, Medical Colleges, National and International NGOs, paraprofessionals, etc, from India and abroad participated in the conference.
Totally there were 5 scientific sessions in the pre conference CME on 8th January, 2009. There were 5 orations, 11 scientific sessions, 16 oral free paper sessions and 2 Poster sessions and 2 award sessions in the conference from 9th-11th January,2009.
On 8th January 2009, at 9.00 AM CME was inaugurated by Sri. C. Manjunath, chairman, Governing Council, KIMS College and the function was presided by Dr. C.S. Pandav, Vice President of IPHA. Dr M K Sudarshan, Principal & Professor of Community Medicine, Chairman of the conference, Dr B G Parasuramalu, Professor & HOD, Organising Secretary of the conference and Dr N R Ramesh Masthi, Associate Professor, Joint Organising Secretary of the conference, the other dignitaries on the dias also addressed the gathering.
On 9th January, 2009 ( Friday) at 9-00 AM the scientific programme was inaugurated by Sri. B. Munegowda, Chairman, KIMS Hospital, Dr. Madhumita Dobe, Secretary General, IPHA was guest of honour and Dr. T.S.R. Sai President, IPHA presided over the function .Dr M K Sudarshan, Principal & Professor of Community Medicine, Chairman of the conference, Dr B G Parasuramalu, Professor & HOD, Organising Secretary of the conference and Dr D H Ashwath Narayana, Associate Professor, Joint Organising Secretary of the conference, the other dignitaries on the dias also addressed the gathering.
On 9th January, 2009 (Friday) Evening at 7-00 PM Sri. Ramachandre Gowda, Honourable Minister for Medical Education, Government of Karnataka, inaugurated the 53rd National Conference of IPHA and delivered the Inaugural address. Dr. Paramita Sudharto, Public Health Administrator, WHO, Indian Country office, New Delhi, was the Guests of honour . Sri. B. Kenchappa Gowda, President, Vokkaligara Sangha released the souvenir of the conference. Dr M K Sudarshan ,Principal & Professor of Community Medicine, Chairman of the conference welcomed the gathering. Dr. K. Mahadev, General Secretary, Vokkaligara Sangha, Dr. T.S.R. Sai, president IPHA, Dr. Madhumita Dobe, Secretary General IPHA also addressed the gathering. Dr B G Parasuramalu, Professor & HOD, Organising Secretary of the conference delivered the vote of thanks.
On 10th the sponsored session continued till the afternoon and the delegates presented their Research papers in parallel sessions (free papers and posters) .
Valedictory function was held on 11th January 2009 ( Sunday) at 1-30 PM Dr. S.K. Roy, Prof of Community Medicine, KBN Institute of Medical Sciences, Gulbarga, Ex-Secretary General IPHA was the chief guest and Dr. T.S.R. Sai President , IPHA, presided over the function, Dr V M Gupta, Past Professor & HOD of Community Medicine, BHU, Banaras Dr N S N Rao, Chief Consultant, CRHSWM, Bangalore & Dr Madhumita Dobe, Secretary General, IPHA were the guest of honour and the conference was concluded. Dr M K Sudarshan, Chairman of the conference, Dr B G Parasuramalu, Organising Secretary of the conference ,Dr D H Aswath Narayana & Dr N R Ramesh Masthi, Joint Organising Secretary of the conference, and Dr H S Ravish the other dignitaries on the dias also addressed the gathering. Certificates of Appreciation was distributed to the student volunteers and Interns of KIMS .The conference concluded.
Allergy& Asthma Updates, 4th March09:
A guest lecture was organized on 4th March, 2009, at 2.30 PM at KIMS Hospital campus in collaboration with the departments of Community Medicine, Medicine, Paediatrics, ENT and Dermatology. Dr. P. K. Vedanthan, M.D. Professor of Medicine, University of Colorado Health Sciences, Colorado, USA & Chairman, International Asthma Services, USA addressed about 200 delegates which included the staff, post graduates and interns from all the departments on “Allergy asthma update”. Dr. K. Mahadev, M.S (Ortho) General Secretary, Vokkaligara Sangha presided over the function and felicitated Dr. P. K. Vedanthan. Dr. M. K. Sudarshan, Principal and professor of Community Medicine, Dr (Capt) Venkatesh, Medical Director, KIMSH&RC and the Professor & HODs from the different departments were the other dignitaries present.
Training of Trainers (TOT) programme - Intra Dermal Rabies Vaccine, 20-27th June,2009 .
A TOT programme for state government doctors on the implementation of Intra Dermal Rabies Vaccination (IDRV) in the state was conducted at the preventive medicine unit, anti rabies clinic, KIMS Hospital,Bangalore-4 from 20-27th June,2009 in three batches. About 60 doctors from all over Karnataka were trained during the programme.
Training of Trainers (TOT) programme - Intra Dermal Rabies Vaccine (IDRV) & RIG adminstartion:
A TOT programme for state government doctors on IDRV & RIG administration was conducted at the preventive medicine unit,anti rabies clinic,KIMS Hospital & Research Centre,Bangalore-4 from 20-27th June,2009 in three batches. About 60 doctors were trained during the programme.
TOT programme for medical officers
Screening for H1N1 at Bangalore International Airport
The postgraduate students of community medicine and interns conducted the screening for H1 N1 disease from 1st Sept.2009 to 15th Sept. 2009 at the international airport, Bangalore.
A total of more than 20,000 travelers were screened during this period.
Posgraduate & Intern at the screening counter-H1N1 screening at BIAL,Bangalore
Adopt a village –Rabies prevention project :
The Global alliance for rabies control(GARC),Rabies in asia foundation(RIAF) ,Commonwealth veterinary association (CWA),The department of Community Medicine, Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Government Veterenary College,hebbal and the department of neurovirology, NIMHANS,Bangalore have come together for a novel rural rabies prevention project.The project is for a period of 2 years and started on 1st November 2009 and will conclude on 31st October 2011. The aim of the project is to the reduce the incidence of both human and animal rabies in the rural community buy involving all the stake holders i.e medical and veterinary, government bodies, local self help groups,etc jointly at the same time.
Walk for rabies prevention
Workshop on Intra dermal rabies vaccination (IDRV) for BBMP Medical, health and veterinary staff :
A one day workshop on IDRV for BBMP Medical, health and veterinary staff was held on 22nd march, 2010 at KIMS College, Banashanakari –II stage, Bangalore –70. About 80 staff of BBMP were trained in the newer concepts of IDRV.
Congratulations :
The staff of the department of Community Medicine congratulate Dr M K Sudarshan, Dean and Principal and Professor of Community Medicine for having been awarded the Honorary Fellowship in Public Health by the faculty of the Royal College of Physicians, United Kingdom for the year 2010.
H1N1 Vaccination :
The preventive medicine unit, department of community medicine, KIMS Hospital and Research centre (KIMSH&RC) was involved in the H1N1 vaccination of the medical and health staff of KIMSH&RC,Bangalore-04. About 800 people including doctors ,staff nurse ,lab technicians ward boys,ayeahs etc were immunized with the single dose H1N1 vaccine from 06/04/10 to 08/04/10.
(Late)Dr B M Rudraprasad, Assistant Professor –MO-I/C, PMU, KIMSH&RC- H1N1
Guest Lecture-April 2010 :
A guest lecture on community health was organized on 19th April 2010 at Lecture Hall-1, KIMS College, Banashakari-II stage. This lecture was an initiative of Institute of Public Health, Bangalore. About 100 students from 6th term , staff and post graduates from the department had participated. Dr. Shiridi Prasad Thakur and Dr. Roopa Devadasan were the guest speakers who informed the audience about their experiences working in the field of community health. This was followed by question and answer sessions.
Guest Lecture - Lecture Hall-1 ,
Visit to Hospital Waste Treatment plant :
The staff and Post Graduates of the department of Community Medicine visited the Mardi Hospital Waste Treatment plant on 23rd April 2010. The functioning of the plant and other related topics were discussed with staff of the treatment plant. This visit was planned as a part of the training programme for the post graduate students.
Staff & Post Graduates — Visit to Mardi treatment plant
Guest Lecture :
A guest lecture on publice health for post graduates of community medicine was organized by KACH at the Medical Education Unit, KIMS, Bangalore. About 30 post graduates and staff had attended. An interactive discussion was held at the end.Dr B G Parasuaramalu, Professor and HOD, formally handed over the president of KACH to the new president.
Menactra Vaccine trial :
A Phase –III clinical trial of meningococcal vaccine for safety and efficacy was conducted at the preventive medicine unit,KIMSH&RC from April to November, 2010 . About 100 healthy volunteers were administered the vaccine.
World Rabies Day,September,28th 2010 :
On the occasion of World Rabies Day ‐ 2010, “End Rabies Rally” was conducted by the Adopt a Village,project implementation team at Kumbalgodu, Gerupalya and Tagachakuppe villages involving school children, teachers, village leaders, medical and veterinary professionals on Saturday, 25. 09. 2010. Drawing and painting competition was also organized for the school children about rabies prevention on 23.09.10. A rabies public awareness film was released by the director of Doordrshan Kendra,Bangalore at the press club of Bangalore. The staff, PGs ,Interns and undergraduate students of the department had participated in the programme.The was followed by video viewing of rabies film.
Dr. M K Sudarshan addressing the gathering at the press club
Hand Hygiene :
The department of community medicine & microbiology was one of the study centres involved in the pilot study on hand hygiene. This was a study conducted for Indian Public Health Association & HUL. About 100 school children from a urban school in Bangalore were observed, interviewed & swabs collected . The study also involved clinical examination and laboratory examination of the school children. Dr Jayanthi Srikant, Associate Professor was the leader of the team.
Kit for collection of sample, school children being examined and
Dr Jayanthi Srikanth,cordiantor of the study.
Urban Health checkup for screening of DM & Hypertension :
The department of Community Medicine was involved in the screening for Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension among the urban poor of Bangalore between 2-10-2010 to 31-12-2010 at 6 places in Bangalore south(C.T.Bed,Yarabnagar,Banashankari,Jayanagar,J.P.Nagar,N.S.pallya). The study was done in UFWC areas of the following centers.A total 3401 number of persons screened .666 hypertension, 425diabetes & 213 patienst with both HT& DM were detected during the study period.The Interns were actively involved in the programme. Dr Jayanthi Srikanth,Associate Professor was the coordinator of the programme.
Interns involved in the screening of DM & HTN
Rabies stall at Dasara Exhibition, Mysore, 12th –20th October,2010 :
The staff & PGs of the department of community medicine, KIMS, Bangalore along with the Rabies in Asia (RIA) foundation and MIMS,Mandya had established a Rabies awareness stall from 12th -20th October, 2010 at Shushrutha Medical exhibition, Exhibition grounds, Mysore Dasara, Mysore. The team was lead by Dr. N. R. Ramesh Masthi, Associate Professor & Member, RIAF, department of community medicine, KIMS, Bangalore.The stall was inaugurated by Mr. Madhusudana, MLC, Govt. of Karnataka, Mr. Devpal, President, Karnataka Vasthupradarshana Pradhikara (KVPP) and Mrs. Bharathi, Assistant Commissioner and working president of KVPP on Tuesday, 12th October, 2010 at 7.30PM. The rabies education stall had various health education materials like Rabies information board, posters in both Kannada and English, placards, antirabies vaccines and Immunoglobulin. A rabies quiz comprising of 5 questions both in Kannada and English was organized for students. Rabies film DVDs - both Technical and public rabies awareness were distributed to the various teaching institutions. About 5000 people including 4000 school & college students had visited the stall. Dr. M K Sudarshan, Dean & Principal & Professor of Community Medicine,KIMS Bangalore and President Rabies in Asia(RIA) foundation along with other members had visited the stall on the concluding day 20.10.10 and had attended the valedictory programme.
Post graduate explaining about rabies to the visitors
Adopt a village –A rural rabies prevention project— Visit of Dr. Deborah J Briggs ,Executive director, GARC—Visit to project villages & A Joint Appraisal Programme :
Visit to Project villages : Dr. Deborah J Briggs, Executive director of Alliance for rabies control(GARC) and Dr. M K Sudarshan, Dean & Principal & Professor of Community Medicine, KIMS, Bangalore and President Rabies in Asia (RIA) foundation along with the other project team members visited the project villages in the forenoon of 13/11/10 as a part of the joint appraisal programme. Dr. Briggs inaugurated the pre exposure IDRV campaign at the first village tagachguppe. This was followed by a lecture to the Stree Shakti (women empowerment ) group members,Community members,ASHA workers& other primary care workers on rabies and its prevention by the adopt a village project volunteers also known as rabies volunteers ( trained in rabies prevention). Various health education materials developed for awareness regarding rabies and its prevention was shown to the team. Prizes were distributed to the winners of drawing and painting competition. The animal welfare activities conducted in the village was also shown to the team members. The team visited the ICDS centre and looked at the posters on rabies. The team also went around the village and observed the rabies prevention messages painted on the wall. The team subsequently visited the next village(Kumbalgodu).Here the VII standard students of the Government higher primary school were shown the new rabies public film in Kannada. The snake & ladder game developed for rabies prophylaxsis and education was played by the students. The students also showed rabies education name labels used in the notebooks.
The team arrived at the third village(Gerupalya) and interacted with the village leaders, school teachers, Adopt a Village volunteers, self help group members. The members informed the team about the various activities they had done in the village on rabies education and prevention. The kamsala kunitha(Folk dance ) team conclude the village visit by enacting a play on rabies prevention to the village population at the centre of the village.
Dignitaries interacting with the people of the project
(Tagachaguppe) village, RHTC field practice area
Joint Appraisal Meeting: Seminar Hall, KIMSH&RC
The afternoon session of the joint appraisal meeting was held at the Seminar hall, KIMSH&RC.The programme started at 3.300 pm and concluded at 6.30 pm. About 50 Invitees representing medical, veterinary, corporate & animal welfare activist attended the meeting.
Dr. M K Sudarshan, Dean & Principal & Professor of Community Medicine, KIMS, Bangalore and President Rabies in Asia foundation(RIAF) welcomed the delegates and spelt out the objectives of Joint Appraisal programme. Dr. D H Ashwath Narayana, Project coordinator and Professor of Community Medicine, KIMS, Bangalore spoke on Adopt a village:A rural rabies prevention project – An overview and covered all aspects of the project.
Dr. N R Ramesh Masthi, Project Officer Medical and Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, KIMS, Bangalore spoke on the results of baseline medical survey , surveillance on the human /animal rabies incidence and animal bite incidence. Dr. M L Satyanaraya, Project officer Veterinary and Professor of Pathology, Veterinary College, Bangalore spoke on the results of baseline veterinary survey ,laboratory diagnosis and animal welfare activities conducted. There was an open house discussion at the end of the session. Dr. Deborah J Briggs, Executive director ,GARC summarized the days activities and was of the opinion that this was an excellent project to demonstrate the concept of one health to the entire world. This was followed by screening of the rabies public film (English) to the delegates. Dr H S Ravish Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, KIMS, Bangalore proposed the vote of thanks.
Dr. Deborah J Briggs (centre), Executive director ,Global alliance for
rabies control (GARC) at joint appraisal meeting
Rabies-An eventograph of 25 years of academic pursuit (1986-2011).
The department of community medicine has completed 25 years of working in the field of prevention and control of rabies. To mark this occasion Rabies -An eventograph of 25 years of academic pursuit was published by the department. The eventograph was released by Dr F.-X.Meslin - Team leader, Zoonotic division(Neglected), WHO, Geneva at the RIA-SAARC-Inter Country Meeting on rabies, 24th-26th,February, 2011, Mysore.
Release of Rabies -An eventograph of 25 years of academic pursuit
by Dr F.-X.Meslin (Third from left) at the RIA-SAARC-ICM, Mysore,2011
25 Years of Rabies at KIMS an Eventograph
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Annual Report 1st April 2010 - 31st March 2011
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